
Ba da ba ba ba. I'M LOVIN' IT!!!
I haven't updated here in a while. Sorry! :o( Haven't thought of anything real deep to post here. I'm working on it tho. In all of my masive amounts of spare time. :pI have no idea how many people actually read this.I leave you with this:Call to Me, and I will answer you, ans show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3DREAM BIG!
Dream Big by The Martins
I believe that anything is possible
if we understand who Jesus is
I believe there's nothing that can
stop us
if we learn to dream like Jesus did
So don't limit your ambition
to what's commonly defined
God has a special heart
for those who walk outside the line
Don't be afraid to spread your wings
and fly
It doesn't hurt to try
If you're gonna dream...
Dream big
It's the Lord's desire for you to
Dream big
In everything you say and do
You'll see your greatest dream
come true
'Cause all of Heaven is dreaming big
for you
I believe that we can make a
If we fall down on our knees
and pray
Long ago just twelve men turned this
world around
And we can do the same today
So let your imagination run as far as
you can see
And dream along with God
of every- thing that you can be
Don't be afraid to spread your wings
and fly
It doesn't hurt to try
If your gonna dream...
Oh, I love the word impossible
'cause that's what God does best
So just reach for the improbable
and He will do the rest
If you're gonna dream...
Dream big
Heaven's dreaming big for you
Your greatest dreams come true
I don't understand
I have been reading "A Child Called 'It'" and "The Lost Boy" by Dave Pelzer. These are two in a three book series where Dave tells about his life as a child when he was abused then living in foster homes. I am shocked/stunned/mad/upset/sad/hurt as I read about his life and what he went through. Something inside of me wants to scream to the people in his life "Get a grip people! You have NO idea what this little boy is going through!" I want to wrap my arms around him and just hold him. I want to be his friend. Earn his trust. Just be there when he needs me. Not force anything. Just love him. It is stories like this that makes the fire in my heart burn brighter and harder. I read about children who are hurt and abused and I know that I am supposed to be there. Loving them as Jesus would have if He were here. That is part of the reason I want to go to a Christian college. I want to get my BA in early childhood education, yes. But I also want to take counseling classes. I want to be able to help the children I am called to work with.I don't understand how someone could treat a child like that. It totally blows my mind that a person could treat their pet, an animal, better than their own son. To treat them as a slave or worse, like nothing. To convince a child they are nothing. An It. Not a person, but a thing. I am sick to my stomach it hurts me so bad to see children treated in this way. I want to do something, get involved, but I don't know how. I feel somewhat unqualified. Like a baby in the world of adults. I feel so naive... So small. But I know that these are lies straight from the pit of hell. I am qualified in the power of my Jesus! He gives me all the strength and knowledge I need. He has given my the dream of being a friend to the friendless. To help and hold those children who have no one that will love them. To show them Jesus by living as He would. Not by preaching it to them, but by living it. They don't need another lecture. What they need is love and I can give that to them. I can play with them. I can let them cry. I can bandage a scraped knee. I can let them be kids!My life verse is James 1:27:Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (NIV)Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world. (The Message)External religious worship [religion as it is expressed in outward acts] that is pure and unblemished in the sight of God the Father is this: to visit and help and care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and need, and to keep oneself unspotted and uncontaminated from the world. (Amplified)Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us. (New Living)
The first picture below (the one where I have a pencil in my hair and Dad has a pen in his lip). I actually wore the pencil in my hair almost the entire day. Through sweeping the streets, canvassing, sweating, eating, playing, ect. I took it out cause I was gonna wash my hair.
These are just random and goofy pics of me during outreach. Enjoy my sillyness!!!

Father and daughter goofing off again

ARG!! Pirate Jeff!

This is what I look like when I come off of a chocolate high... dead. Need... more... chocolate!

All is good when Bubbles has her Mountain Dew and darck chocolate

Me and Dad: Being wierd
Mom: Just keep smiling, just keep smiling

Nice shoes! Doesn't quite fit the pose, but hey it works!

Hey, I'm practicing to be Bubbles!

I don't need to say anything here, cause the pic says it all! This is my all time favorite picture of me!!

Me and Papa after he took me out in the snow

Me and my bud at the beach

Okay, I confess... We hit a tree. And yes I was driving the sled.

Me on Gramma and Grampa's horse, Kit