Guess what!?!?! You never will, so I'll tell you. I have a second interview with Starbucks on Thursday at noon!!
Thank-You, Father, for this opportunity! You are soo wonderful and awesome! I am in awe of everything You are and all that You do. Help this interview to go well, if this is the job You have for me. I love you, Abba!
Also, could you pray that I don't get sick? I woke up this morning coughing a little and I have somewhat of a sore throat now.
~Blessings, Chara
PS: If you post a comment, please leave some form of identification so I know who posted. Thanx!! Management
Cool Song
Oh Lord, You’re Beautiful
(Keith Green)
Oh Lord, You're beautiful
Your face is all I seek.
For when Your eyes are on this child,
Your love abounds to me.
Oh Lord, my body’s tired,
But You keep reminding me,
Of many holy, tireless men,
Who spilt their blood for Thee.
I want to take Your Word and shine it all around;
But first, help me just to live it, Lord.
And if I'm doing well
Help me to never make a sound;
Except to give all the glory to You.
Oh Lord, my faith is small,
And I need a touch from You.
Your Book of Books lies undisturbed,
And the prayers from me too few.
Oh Lord, please light the fire that once burned bright and clear
Replace the lamp of my first love that’s fueled with holy fear
I want to take Your Word and shine it all around;
But first, help me just to live it, Lord.
And if I'm doing good
Help me to never make a sound;
Except to give all the glory to You.
Oh Lord, You're beautiful
Your face is all I seek.
For when Your eyes are on this child
Your faith abounds to me.
I have to say this, for the record: God is absolutely, positively, AMAZING!! The music He wrote through other people has really touched me. It seems that every time I turn on some music, either on the radio or CD, it's exactly what I need for that day. Like the day I decided to listen to Mimi's Big Daddy Weave
One and Only CD and the fifth song (it's always 5) just hit me and spoke volumes to me! Here are the lyrics to that song:
I have been making it a point to look on the positive side of life and not complain about the crap that happens. I hope that I have been doing well in that, because it is sooo stinking hard to sometimes. (I'm not complaining here) For the last couple of days I have just been feeling down. Not about anything in particular, it's just all the little things added up. I just felt bound by whatever and this morining I stuck in WOW 2001. The second song was just like WOW!! (pun intended :) It is "Shackles" by Mary Mary. I know that song as played for a long time, but it really hit me this morning. I wonder how many people have actually listened to and read the lyrics. They talk about exactly what I want: Freedom in Christ! (For those who would like to refresh their memory on the song:
I have the freedom to be who God created me to be!! He has given me life and I need to praise Him. I can dance for Him without worrying about what the people around me are thinking. I have been scared to dance in Church, because I don't want them to call me up front to dance. My dance is for my God, not for the congregation. It is very hard to continue worship when I know that people are watching me. It also inturrups their worship. (Side note: I love this CD! I have not listened to it in a while.) But that does not matter, as long as my worship is pure and true. It is only for Him, not any one else. He gave me the ability to dance and I will give it back to Him!!!
~Blessings Chara
Well I had my interview yesterday... They did not give me the job on the spot, but they said they'd call one way or the other. So in other words, they will call me to either have a second interview or to tell me that I don't have the job. Let us hope and pray it is the first option. :) I was interviewed by two gals, Gina and Tina. They just asked me a few questions, like "What have you done in this situation?" "What would you do here?" "Why Starbucks?" "Do you have a reliable source of transportation?" (that one threw me off a little)
I was a little disappointed in the interview from the perspective that I thought there would be more. My expectations of what the interview would look like were way higher than it really was. I thought it was going to be this huge long process, but it only took like 15 minutes maybe. And I kinda expected the job too. :P But the cool thing was I got a free coffee!! Yeah!!
Pray that God's will would be done in this job.
~Blessings! Chara
WOW!! I cannot believe it! Starbucks actually called me! I din't think they would but they did and I have and interview at 2:30pm on Tuesday. I.. I'm speechless. It was totally unexpected.
Abba, thank You soo much for this job opportunity. You have the right job out there for me and if this is it I well get the job. If it isn't You will provide another door for me to go through. I thank You for that! You are absolutely amazing! I love You, my Abba!
~Blessings, Chara
The next few months...
Over the next few months some things are going to be changing in my life. I'm going to let God clean out a bunch of crap that I have. If you think about is, please pray for me. I am going to have to fight for my freedom every minute of everyday. It's not going to be easy, but where does it say in the Bible that the Christian life is easy?
If you all remember, could you please pray that I stand firm in my decision to deepen my relationship with Abba?
~Blessings, Chara