January 31, 2005


Guess what!?!?! You never will, so I'll tell you. I have a second interview with Starbucks on Thursday at noon!!

Thank-You, Father, for this opportunity! You are soo wonderful and awesome! I am in awe of everything You are and all that You do. Help this interview to go well, if this is the job You have for me. I love you, Abba!

Also, could you pray that I don't get sick? I woke up this morning coughing a little and I have somewhat of a sore throat now.

~Blessings, Chara

PS: If you post a comment, please leave some form of identification so I know who posted. Thanx!! Management


At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will Be Praying for you this week and especially on Thursday at Noon.
*\0/* Yeah!



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