Life in a nutshell
GAAAH!!! When will life slow down!?!?! WHAT!? NEVER!?!?Most of the time it is very difficult to be 17 (18 in15 dayz) in a world where there are moslty adults. Some of the time, I can handle it, but it is getting harder. Maybe that is because adulthood is fastly approaching and I don't have a lot of time to be a teenager. I haven't quite figured out how to be a Christian teenager in a not so Christian world. Is there any way to have good, clean fun, that doesn't cost money? If there is, let me know!!!
Blessings, Chara
I don't believe it ever slows down. At least that's what I hear. It only gets faster the further over the hill you go.
When You're old & decrepit like me then you learn to sit still & let the world go wizzing past as fast as it wants ;D
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